GitLab is a web-based Git repository manager written in Ruby which includes wiki, issue management, code review, monitoring, and continuous integration and deployment. It enables developers to build, deploy and run their applications.
There are three different editions of GitLab available, Community Edition (CE), Enterprise Edition (EE), and a GitLab-hosted version
In this blog, I will explain how to install Gitlab Community Cdition in Centos 7.6.
Step 1 :
Install required packages,
#yum install -y curl policycoreutils-python openssh-server
Gitlab required postfix to send Notification, Install postfix then configure the SMTP details and start the service.
#yum install postfix
#systemctl enable postfix
#systemctl start postfix
Step 2 :
Add the gitlab repostory,
#curl | sudo bash
Step 3 :
Install Gitlab,
#EXTERNAL_URL="" yum install -y gitlab-ce
Step 4 :
Allow gitlab ports in Firewall,
#firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=443/tcp
#systemctl reload firewalld
Step 5 :
Access gitlab in browser,
Go to browser and use the above given url.
At first time I will ask to create a new password for root account.Once you set, it will be redirected back to the login screen and login with username "root" and new password.
If you want to update the SSL certificates, update this gitlab configuration file "/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb" and run "gitlab-ctl reconfigure" in terminal.
Thats all, GitLab CE has been installed successfully in CentOS 7.6
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