In previous blog, I have written what is Hygieia Collectors and how to deploy Hygieia Jenkins Build collector.In this blog I will cover Hygieia Cucumber collector deployment (it is little complicated one at first time for me, after few weeks of struggle finally completed the setup).

Hygieia Cucumber Collector :

Requirement :

OS : centos 7.6

Hygieia Dashboard version : v3.1.0

1.Create collectors directory,clone the collector repo and build it,

#cd /opt/hygieia

#mkdir collectors

#cd collectors

#git clone

#cd hygieia-jenkins-cucumber-collector

#mvn install

2.After successful maven build, go to target directory and you can see  jenkins-cucumber-test-collector.jar will be generated.

3.Create properties file in same target directory with the required details,


# Database Name

# Database HostName - default is localhost

# Database Port - default is 27017

# MongoDB replicaset

# Database Username - default is blank

# Database Password - default is blank

#Collector schedule (required)
jenkins-cucumber.cron=0/5 * * * * *

#Jenkins server (required) - Can provide multiple

#Pattern to find cucumber reports file name

#Another option: If using same username/password Jenkins auth - set username/apiKey to use HTTP Basic Auth (blank=no auth)
#Jenkins Username 
#Jenkins Password

save and close the file.

Here am using the same mongo db credentials which I have used in Hygieia dashboard api properties.Then update the cucumber details.

4.In Jenkins Server, Create a Job with with following settings,

  • In Post-build actions - Archive the artifacts and cucumber reports should be enabled.
  • Cucumber report file has to be generated under workspace root directory of the job after the successful maven build
  • Verify the cucumber report is generated successfully form Jenkins dashboard
  • Make sure the artifact file is generated after successful job completion for the Job

5.Deploy the Hygieia Cucumber jar file,

Go to,

#cd /opt/hygieia/collectors/hygieia-jenkins-cucumber-collector/target

Run the jar file,

#java -jar jenkins-cucumber-test-collector.jar --spring.config.location=/opt/hygieia/collectors/hygieia-jenkins-cucumber-collector/  -Djasypt.encryptor.password=hygieiasecret

Once its ran successfully, you will get output like below,

6.Hygieia dashboard - cucumber collector configuration,

Now go to Hygieia dashboard, choose Code Analysis widget and configure it.

For cucumber, in Fuctional test part your successful Job name will show there select it and click save.

Wait for few minutes, finally you can see the cucumber status in Code Analysis Widget like below,

Now, We have configured Hygieia Cucumber collector successfully.


Error 1 :

Error message : "WARNING: No Enabled Jobs found with artifacts pattern: cucumber.json"

If you are getting this error, might be missed one of the above steps, Make sure you have followed the above steps correctly.

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